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Mechanic Shop

This full on project was realized for a client needing an 8000 SF facility for Import German Vehicle Repair.


The project included Site Studies, working closely with consultants and the County to design a facility which utilized a panelized system over steel frame.


The paneling colors were inspired by German Automotive historical colors, moreover every panel was calculated to minimize manufacturer's waste and favor the client with significant savings as the complete assembled prefabricated structure, skin, roof, and envelope was priced right below the half-million dollar mark.

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Commercial architect, commercial architect sacramento, commercial architect San Francisco, Commercial architect Bay Area
Commercial architect, commercial architect sacramento, commercial architect San Francisco, Commercial architect Bay Area
commercial architect
Commercial architect, commercial architect sacramento, commercial architect San Francisco, Commercial architect Bay Area
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Commercial architect, commercial architect sacramento, commercial architect San Francisco, Commercial architect Bay Area
commercial architectural design
Commercial architect, commercial architect sacramento, commercial architect San Francisco, Commercial architect Bay Area
Commercial architect, commercial architect sacramento, commercial architect San Francisco, Commercial architect Bay Area, commercial architectural design
commercial architectural design
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modern architect, commercial architect
Commercial architect, commercial architect sacramento, commercial architect San Francisco, Commercial architect Bay Area
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